Experience: International Business, Travel, and Cross Cultural Communication
01 March, 2015
Posted by Turn To New Media New England
Experience: International Business, Travel, and Cross Cultural Communication

Turn To New Media New England has a firm foundation to be the best sales and marketing consultant available today. In-the-trenches, real experience in sales and marketing that will ensure synergy between your marketing campaigns and sales efforts. Want to make the most of your revenue and market expansion efforts? John also has personal experiences unique and essential to our ever shrinking business world.
International Sourcing, Business Travel to Asia
As the Marketing and Sales Manager for Test Rite Group, John traveled to China conduct business, source products, visit factories, and collaborate with cooperate leadership on product and market expansion throughout the United States.Communicating effectively is difficult. Communicating with a person with few cultural differences than one's self poses serious challenges. Communicating with professionals who are extrodinarly culturally diverse than oneself daily in order to grow markets and revenue in the ever evolving business world throughout the United States takes significant talent.
Can you marketing consultant offer this level of personal experience to your business as you grow sales and revenue beyond US borders? Turn To New Media New England has successfully conducted business, grown sales, and penetrated new markets not just with people locally and nationally, but internationally as well.
Personal Travel Throughout Japan

Turn To New Media New England recognized early that the business world is becoming a small marketplace. Travel to Asia, understanding their culture, and meeting the people is an experience that will always create great relationship. John visited Chiba, Tokyo, and Kyoto as he met the truly hospitable and welcoming Japanese people.